Operational items

Until the end of 2016, Hon-Tsai Technology had successfully developed four safety management solutions: electronic inspection, occupational safety audit, equipment maintenance, and contractor management. These solutions further evolved into the following sales products in line with the trends of Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things: mobile inspection management, long-distance pipeline inspection, security patrol system, intelligent preventive maintenance and inspection, automatic (primary) inspection management, occupational safety and quality inspection, contractor access management, mobile work permits, and smart elderly care platforms.

Electronics Inspection
Equipment Maintenance
Contractor Management
Work Safety Audit
Software Development
Mobile Device
Communication Technology

Integration of Technologies

All of these products use the same technology and revolve around the same concept, which is the integration of software, mobile devices (such as tablets and smartphones), wireless communication technologies (such as RFID, NFC, 4G/5G, Wi-Fi, GPS, UWB, Lo-Ra), and information and communication technology (ICT), as well as the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT). These products are primarily used in the context of industrial safety. Therefore, from another perspective, it can be said that the company uses ICT technology and the Internet of Things to provide solutions to enterprises in industrial safety, helping them address specific challenges they face.

Corporate Vision

Because of the convenience of mobile communications and the popularization of the Internet of Things and mobile technologies Changing every field of the future. Hong-sai Technology Co., Ltd. pays equal attention to hardware. Software and Services. We use IT systems to enhance security company and develop a plan to audit each characteristic Safety production system.

Customized Product Design

Our company provides solutions tailored to each customer, with existing safety management products as the core. Through field interviews and needs analysis by project teams with extensive experience, module contents for project requirements are set, and general configurations and possible fine-tuning and customization of category objects within the modules are carried out. All actions are performed on the database's data and parameter settings without affecting the core code. Standard data documents, resources used, various reference fields, calculation criteria, and multiple data required for system management and access control are fully equipped. In terms of customization considerations, since the product already has standardized inspection management logic configuration capabilities, customization satisfies the existing operation processes of your organization without requiring modifications to the core code. The product already has a dynamic data landscape and definable input and output interfaces for specific requirements such as standardized reports, statistical management, decision analysis, etc. Hence, the customization process mainly focuses on the output layout format of printed reports.

System Implementation Services

Building an information-based platform for safety management is primarily aimed at preventing safety incidents. The losses and compensations resulting from accidents can quickly amount to millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of New Taiwan Dollars. When considering additional losses such as damage to reputation, loss of credibility, and personnel injuries or fatalities, it becomes difficult to estimate the overall impact. When selecting a system provider for the construction capability, emphasis should be placed on "safety" and "quality." The feasibility assessment analysis should prioritize vendors with experience implementing systems for high-risk industries prone to workplace accidents. Our company has been committed to assisting high-risk industries such as petrochemicals, construction, and government departments like labor inspection units and transportation authorities in implementing inspection systems. Throughout the experience of implementing inspection systems, there have been no significant workplace safety incidents. We continuously refine a parameterized operational workflow management system from these successful cases. We can customize it to align with the safety management culture of the client for user-friendly operation.